Dietary fiber are also known as roughage or bulk, includes the parts of plant foods your body can’t digest or absorb. Unlike other food components, such as fats, proteins or carbohydrates — which your body breaks down and absorbs — fiber isn’t digested by your body. Instead, it passes relatively intact through your stomach, small intestine and colon and out of your body.
🔸️Dietary fibers are very essential for our health as they improve are gut health , helps in weight management and decreases the risk of chronic diseases.
🔸️Fibers are recommended to include in your diet. Women should try to eat at least 21 to 25 gram of fiber per day and men should consume 30 to 38 gram of fiber in a day.
🔸️Dietary fibers can be classified into following types:
SOLUBLE FIBRES: These types of fibers dissolves in water and form a gel that traps sugar , fats and cholesterol.
Sources include: Oats cereals , beans , fruits like apricots and oranges, vegetables like broccoli and kale. Fiber supplement include psyllium.
INSOLUBLE FIBRES: These type of fibers absorbs water to increase stool bulk , help content pass through colon quickly and promotes regularity.
Sources include: Bran cereals , whole grain bread, fibrous vegetables like beets and spinach, grainy fruits like blackberries and kiwi.
🔸️Benefits of dietary fibers:
• Helps to relieve from conditions such as constipation which reduces the risk of diverticulitis and bowel cancer.
•Helps in maintaining normal body cholesterol level.
•As fiber is not digested it keeps you feeling full for longer time which can minimize unnecessary snaking.
•The reduction of rise of blood glucose after meal.
•lowers the risk of life threatening diseases such as heart diseases, certain cancers , diabetes , stroke and obesity.
🔸️Ways to increase fiber intake :
•choose whole grain over refined grain products.
• add vegetables to every meal.
• Go for bean and pulses for meat alternatives.
• Opt for fruit snack.
• Snack on nuts and seed between meals.
High-fiber foods are good for your health. But adding too much fiber too quickly can promote intestinal gas, abdominal bloating and cramping. Increase fiber in your diet gradually over a few weeks. This allows the natural bacteria in your digestive system to adjust to the change.
Also, drink plenty of water. Fiber works best when it absorbs water, making your stool soft and bulky.